Empowering Tunisian women farmers : AxA Agriventure's vision in olive tree Plantation .
In the rural landscapes of Tunisia, a challenging reality persists for female agricultural workers. These women, vital to the nation's agrarian sector, often face hazardous working consditions. As a newly established entity, AxA Agriventure is stepping into this landscape with a vision to make a meaningful difference through our olive tree plantation project in southern Tunisia. The Harsh Reality of Tunisian Women Farmers
Recent reports from RFI and Le Monde paint a stark picture of the conditions faced by female agricultural workers in Tunisia. According to RFI, between 2015 and 2023, 55 women lost their lives, and 796 were injured in transportation-related accidents [1]. These women, who constitute about 80% of the agricultural labor force, often travel in overcrowded and unsafe conditions to reach their workplaces. Le monde's 2019 article further highlights the severity highlights the severity of their situation. It describes an incident in Sidi Bouzid where an overloaded pickup carrying female workers met with a tragic accident, resulting in multiple fatalities [2]. These women, earning between 3 to 5 per euros per day, endure grueling work conditions with little to no social security.
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AxA Agriventure's Vision for Change
As a new player in the agricultural sector, AxA Agriventure is in the early stages of developing strategies to adress these challenges. Our olive tree plantation project is our first step towards creating a more sustainable and equitable agricultural environment.
  • Focused on safety and Fairness
Our commitment begins with ensuring safe and fair working conditions. We understand the importance of reducing hazardous commutes and providing equitable wages. As we grow, so will our capacity to directly impact the lives of our workers.
  • Advocating for Social Security
Recognizing the current lack of social protection, we advocate for and aim to provide access to social security benefits for our employees. This includes health, safety, and overall well-being.
The Road Ahead The challenges faced by Tunisian women farmers are profound, but with initiatives like AxA Agriventure's olive tree plantation project, there is a path forward. While we are at the beginning of our journey, our commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of Tunisian women farmers is steadfast. We are dedicated to growing alongside these hardworking women, supporting them in achieving safety, dignity and security in their work. References 1.RFI, "Tunisie: des travailleuses agricoles victimes de nombreux accidents de la route, souvent mortels" [Online]. Link 2.Le Monde, "En Tunisie, le sort tragique des ouvrières agricoles" [Online]. Link